You Won't Believe It: Shocking Legal Drinking Ages Unveiled Worldwide!

2024/02/21 14:26:19 IST

The legal drinking age

    Exploring the diverse regulations governing alcohol consumption worldwide, here are the legal drinking ages across several countries, ranging from the surprising to the expected.

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8. Malta

    Malta stands out slightly with a legal drinking age of 17, meaning individuals must be at least 17 years old to purchase and consume alcohol in the country.

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7. Switzerland

    Switzerland has set the legal age for drinking alcohol at 16, consistent with several other European nations.

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6. Luxembourg

    Luxembourg adheres to the same legal drinking age of 16, in line with neighboring countries.

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5. Germany

    Germany has also established 16 as the legal age for purchasing and consuming alcohol within its borders.

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4. Belgium

    Belgium follows suit with a legal drinking age of 16, aligning with many other European countries.

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3. Austria

    Austria has set the legal drinking age at 16, meaning individuals must be at least 16 years old to purchase and consume alcohol.

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2. Mali

    Mali also allows individuals to drink alcohol from the age of 15, as per its legal regulations.

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1. Central African Republic

    In the Central African Republic, individuals are legally permitted to consume alcohol once they reach the age of 15.

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