Wanna lose waist-line inches? 7 oats to include in your summer diet

2024/04/10 11:23:40 IST

What are oats?

    Oats are a very popular breakfast option among the fitness community, They are extremely healthy cereal grains. Here are 7 oats you can also include in your diet to get fit and lose weight this summer!

Credit: Pinterest/NotEnoughCinnamon

Irish oats

    Also known as steel-cut oats, these are the least processed kind of oats. these are the oats that have their outer shell removed and take the longest to cook. The amount of calories is dependent on the manufacturing process.  

Credit: Pinterest/anediblemosaic

old-fashioned oats

    These oats go through a flattening process and are softer in their texture. These take comparatively less time to cook than Irish oats. 

Credit: Pinterest/thecozyapron

Saffola Oats

    Saffola oats are the most widely purchased oats in India and can be found in most Indian households. These instant oats are made entirely from natural wholegrain and help stabilize heart health and maintain weight.

Credit: Pinterest/inshop

Nutriorg Gluten-Free Rolled Oats

    These oats have a higher quantity of soluble materials, which makes them a good option to maintain weight. Rich in complex fibers, carbs, and protein, these oats are full of antioxidants while also being sugar-free.  

Credit: website/nutiorg

Kellogg’s Oats

    Considered one of Indias best weight-loss oats, these oats are full of fibre and protein. These whole-grain wheat oats are low in sodium and help stabilize blood pressure.  

Credit: Pinterest/gotostore

Bagrry’s White Oats

    These oats are made of 100% whole wheat grain and have no preservatives. They are rich in protein, fibre, and fat. It helps maintain weight and cholesterol levels.  

Credit: Website/Bagrry’s

Disano Oats

    These oats are 100% whole-grain and gluten-free. They have a fibre called beta-glucan that’s great for your cholesterol maintenance.  

Credit: Website/disanofoods

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