Gen Z guide: Slangs you might have heard but don't know why they are being used!

2024/04/14 17:06:51 IST


    SUS, short for suspicious, is generally used to describe a thing or someone that looks questionable or shady.

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    TBH is an acronym for To Be Honest. Used by Gen Z in online conversations, it simply defines a genuine opinion or their true perception of anyone or anything.

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    LIT generally defines exciting or thrilling nature. It is mostly used to express eagerness or acknowledgement.

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    YOLO as an acronym stands for new generation as a motto. Its full form is You Only Live Once basically incultcating risk taking and seize every opportunity mentality.

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    GOAT, or as Genz refers to it, Greatest of All Time. Defines praising an individual who is extraordinary or, in their eyes, best in their field.

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    Fam is extracted from the word family. One is referred to as FAM when a strong bond in friendship is there or is part of a blood relation.

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    STAN comes from two words: stalker and fan. Describing a dedicated fan supporting a favorite celebrity with true commitment.

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