Salman Rushdie's Masterpieces: Top 7 Must-Have Books

2024/04/17 16:15:31 IST

1. Midnight's Children (1981)

    Magical realism epic following a child born at the stroke of Indian independence, endowed with telepathic powers.

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2. Shame (1983)

    A Pakistani politician in exile grapples with family, identity, and the complexities of his homeland.

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3. The Satanic Verses (1988)

    Controversial novel exploring migration, identity, and blurred lines between reality and religious imagery.

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4. Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990)

    A boy embarks on a fantastical journey to save his storytelling father and the magical land of Kahani.

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5. The Moor's Last Sigh (1995)

    A court jester reflects on love, loss, and the decline of the Mughal Empire in a richly woven historical tale.

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6. The Ground Beneath Her Feet (1999)

    Two couples, one American and one Indian, become strangely connected in this complex exploration of love and destiny.

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7. Quichotte (2019)

    A modern-day Don Quixote, a traveling salesman, becomes obsessed with a television star in this playful exploration of fandom and storytelling.

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