Ranking 7 Least Secure Nations for Women Worldwide


    Women face limitations on where they can go and who they can be with. The Taliban enforces rules requiring a male guardian for many activities.Girls are largely barred from attending secondary school and womens opportunities to work are restricted.

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    The civil war and political instability create a dangerous environment in general. Kidnapping and violence are serious threats.Social restrictions can make it difficult for women to move freely, especially alone.

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Central African Republic

    The country faces ongoing intercommunal violence and armed conflict, putting everyone at risk. Women are particularly vulnerable to sexual assault and violence used as a weapon of war.

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D.R. Congo

    DRC experiences violence and instability from armed groups. Women and girls are especially vulnerable to sexual violence used as a weapon of war. The government struggles to control some areas, and the justice system is weak. This creates an environment where violence against women goes unpunished.

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South Sudan

    The ongoing conflict and instability increase the risk of violence against women, including sexual assault and abduction. Many women are displaced from their homes, making them even more vulnerable.Sexual violence is a major concern, and many cases go unreported. Intimate partner violence and forced marriage are also significant problems.

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    Reports indicate violence against women is a serious issue, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and harmful traditional practices.The justice system can be weak in addressing gender-based violence, leaving women with limited options for protection or seeking accountability for abuse.

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    The conflict has led to widespread violence, making everyone vulnerable. Women are particularly at risk of sexual violence used as a weapon of war, kidnapping, and physical assault.Many women have been displaced from their homes due to the fighting. This makes them more susceptible to violence and exploitation.

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