Population Of Wild Tigers In Different Countries, Check India's Position

2024/01/24 16:10:47 IST

Wild Tigers Population

    The world has 4,989 tigers in total. Here is the list of all the countries that is a shelter to these wild majestic cats.

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Laos (2)

    Laos has just two wild cats on their turf.

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Vietnam (5)

    Vietnam is host to just 5 tigers.

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Myanmar (22)

    Myanmar is the home to 22 of these wild cats.

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China (50)

    China is gives shelter to 50 tigers.

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Bhutan (103)

    Bhutan shares 103 tigers to the world population.

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Bangladesh (106)

    Bangladesh provides home to 189 wild cats.

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Malaysia (150)

    Malaysia contributes with 150 tigers that survive on its lands.

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Thailand (189)

    Thailand is home to 189 tigers who tread in the wild nature.

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Nepal (355)

    Nepal has 355 of these majestic wild cats.

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Indonesia (500)

    Indonesia provides a fair chunk of tiger population and has 500 tigers for the world.

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Russia (540)

    Russia too provides 540 wild cats to the worlds total which is a considerably great number.

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India (2,967)

    India has 2,967 tigers and it leads the maximum share in the tiger population worldwide.

Credit: Pinterest

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