Laws of Brutality: Countries Where Stoning To Death Is Legal Punishment

2024/03/30 18:42:18 IST

What is Stoning?

    Stoning, or lapidation, is a method of punishment where a group throws stones at a person until the subject dies.

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    Under Taliban rule and in areas controlled by the Taliban, stoning to death has been used as a punishment for adultery and other offenses. In a recent development, the Taliban vowed to start stoning women to death in public for adultery in Afghanistan.

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    Stoning to death is prescribed as a punishment for adultery and certain other offenses under the Iranian Penal Code.

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Saudi Arabia

    Stoning to death is a legal punishment under Saudi Arabias interpretation of Islamic law (Sharia), applied for offenses like adultery, homosexuality, and apostasy.

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    In areas of Somalia where Sharia law is enforced, stoning to death can be a punishment for adultery.

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    Stoning to death is prescribed as a punishment for adultery under Sudanese law, though executions are relatively rare.

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    In certain states in Nigeria where Sharia law is practiced, stoning to death is a legal punishment for offenses like adultery.

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    While stoning to death is not officially sanctioned by the Pakistani government, there have been instances of unofficial stonings carried out by local councils or communities.

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