Kim Jong Un's PLEASURE SQUAD: Girl under THIS age have to 'pass Virginity Test' to get recruited
Kim's quest for 25 virgin girls!
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un selects 25 virgin girls every year to be part of his pleasure squad, a Korean YouTuber and author has claimed. Park made the sensational claim that these girls are kept in Kim Jongs palace, with whom he has physical relations.
Beautiful girls for Jong Un, but why?
Onmi Park claims that girls who are beautiful and loyal are chosen and that she was also searched twice but was not chosen due to family reasons. She said that in 2007, at the age of 13, she fled from North Korea to South Korea and then came to America. She says that girls are selected from schools for the dictator.
what happens after he meet the girls?
Onmi Park claims that after finding beautiful girls, their family and political status are checked. The names of those who have family or relatives in other countries are removed. Then a medical test is conducted to check their virginity. If there is even a small mark on the body, it is removed.
Part of Kim Jong's pleasure squad
Park claimed that after thorough tests, the final girls go to the capital, Pyongyang, where they become part of the dictators pleasure squad, whose job it is to provide sexual pleasure.
Depratmental order!
Park said that there are 3 departments in this squad. Some girls are for massage, some for entertaining Kim and his close ones through singing and dancing and some for sexual pleasure.
why does kim jong do this
Park claims that Kim Jong Uns father, Kim Jong Il, believed that one could become immortal by having physical relations with such girls. Kim Jong Il chose beautiful girls in the 1980s.
Do all the girls go to Kim Jong?
Park claimed that the most beautiful of the girls for secular pleasure were sent to Kim Jong, while the rest went to generals & other politicians. Girls retire at the age of 25, as per the source. They are married to Kims guards, as they have special rights about this.
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