Hard to believe! 10 International brands you thought are Indian

2024/04/12 13:30:18 IST


    Colgate is a multinational American company headquartered in Manhattan, New York. The company makes household and healthcare-related products.

Credit: Pinterest/colgate


    Bata is a household-famous brand in India. It is an apparel, footwear, and fashion accessories manufacturer and retailer company based in Switzerland. 

Credit: Pinterest/zopoyo


    This is a world-renowned pen brand. It started in the US in 1945, when Milton Reynolds made the first ballpoint pen in the world.

Credit: Pinterest/RiyaPatel


    Lifebuoy is a brand that started long- time back in 1895 in England. It is now marketed by Unilever.

Credit: Pinterest/TejSaripalli


    vespa is a luxury scooter brand based in Italy. This company today is owned by Piaggio. Its corporate headquarters are located in Pontedera, Italy.

Credit: Pinterest


    Maggi, one of the most popular brands among Indians, is not of Indian origin. It originated in the 19th century in Switzerland. Now its owned by Nestle, which is also a Switzerland-based multinational corporation.

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    Nestle is a Swiss multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. 

Credit: Pinterest/investopedia


    Bose is an American manufacturing company that was established in 1964 in Framingham, Massachusetts, by Amar Bose.

Credit: Pinterest/ALSdecor

Hindustan Unilever

    Hindustan Unilever is a British-owned company, however, it is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

Credit: Pinterest/isbm

Gudang Garam

    Established in 1958, in Indonesia, Gudang Garam is a very popular cigarette brand in India.

Credit: Pinterest

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