Fight bloating naturally with these 7 healthy foods


    Papaya is exotic yet widely available, known for its sweet taste and digestive enzymes that reduce bloating.

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    Yogurt with high probiotics aids digestion and may alleviate bloating, with kefir being another probiotic-rich option.

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    Bananas potassium content helps regulate sodium levels, reducing fluid retention and bloating.

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Peanut Butter

    Peanut butters niacin aids digestion, but avoid brands with hydrogenated oils or sugar to prevent bloating.

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    Garlic aids in detoxification, helping to reduce waste buildup and bloating.

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    Cucumber aids kidney function and uric acid elimination, reducing bloating when consumed moderately.

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    Spinach, rich in fiber, helps with digestion and offers immune system benefits, best when cooked to avoid potential bloating from raw consumption.

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