Do You Know These 7 Gen Z Terms?

2024/03/06 16:06:16 IST

1. Rizz

    Pronounce riz; this is basically a new way of saying charm. It is a colloquial term from the internet that describes someones attractiveness, or charisma, especially when it comes to romantic context.

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2. Ship

    To want or think that two people would make a wonderful partner and should be in a romantic relationship is to ship them romantically. People may ship celebrities or two people in a people in a friends group.

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    Fear of Missing Out is what FOMO stands for. It expresses the uneasiness or fear that youre losing out on something significant, thrilling, or fun that other people are enjoying. For example you may have told your friends you have a study for a test and cant make it to the party, but then end up second guessing your decision as you do not want to miss out on the good times.

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4. Salty

    Used to express resentment, anger, or the belief that one has not received what one is entitled to. For example someone may be salty about losing a game.

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5. Snatched

    Used to characterize someone who looks perfect, on point, and extremely stylish. You can be referring to someones physical appearance, their hair, makeup, or attire.

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6. Living rent-free

    This expression is used to characterize someone or something that constantly occupies your thoughts and attention and is on your mind all the time. For example you may say that song lives in my mind rent free.

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7. No cap

    Used to highlight that you are speaking the truth and not making anything up. For example you may say I actually love this pizza, no cap.

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