Beat the Heat: 7 Tips for Thriving Indoor Plants in Summer

2024/03/31 20:24:12 IST

1. Sun Smart

    While some plants love sunlight, summers intensity can scorch. Assess your plants light needs and provide shade during peak sun hours.

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2. Hydration Hero

    Hotter weather means thirstier plants. Adjust your watering routine, checking soil moisture frequently and providing deep watering when needed.

Credit: freepik

3. Humidity

    Dry air zaps moisture from plants. Group plants together, use a pebble tray, or consider a humidifier to increase humidity.

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4. Cool Comfort

    Keep your plants away from air conditioners or vents that can cause them to dry out. Opt for a gentle breeze instead.

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5. Feeding Frenzy (or Not)

    Summer is often a period of accelerated growth for plants. Consider a weak fertilizer solution once a month, but be mindful of specific plant needs.

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6. Clean and Pristine

    Wipe down leaves to remove dust buildup, which can hinder their ability to absorb sunlight and moisture.

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7. Watch for Distress

    Keep an eye out for signs of stress like wilting, drooping leaves, or yellowing. Adjust your care routine accordingly.

Credit: freepik

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