Avoid AC-Related Fires: Crucial Safety During Heatwaves

2024/05/31 14:09:42 IST

1. Avoid Continuous Operation

    Running your AC all day can lead to overloading and wiring meltdown. Use timers to regulate AC usage, especially at night, to prevent overheating.

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2. Use Proper Electrical Components

    Using smaller sockets or incorrect Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) can cause AC fires. Ensure you use ISI-marked wiring and regularly check MCBs for current leakage to avoid electrical hazards.

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3. Regular Servicing and Surge Protectors

    Regularly service your AC and use surge protectors to prevent voltage fluctuations. Clean AC filters frequently and maintain proper ventilation for outdoor units to ensure optimal performance.

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4. Avoid Extension Cords

    Never use an extension cord for your air conditioner. The high electrical load can cause the wiring to melt and catch fire, posing a serious risk.

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5. Maintain Proper Coolant Levels

    Check the manufacturers instructions for adding refrigerant to your AC. Proper coolant levels are crucial to prevent overheating and potential explosions.

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6. Clean the Condenser Coil

    Ensure the condenser coil is clean. Dust and debris collected during winter can act as an insulator, preventing the coolant from effectively releasing heat, leading to an overheated compressor.

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7. Monitor for Unusual Sounds

    Be alert for hissing or bubbling sounds, which indicate refrigerant leaks. Although refrigerant evaporates quickly, these sounds can signal a problem that needs immediate attention.

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8. Watch for Warning Signs

    Be aware of higher electricity bills and burning smells. An overworked system can increase electricity consumption and produce a burning smell like melting rubber, indicating an overworking compressor.

Credit: freepik

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