April Fools Day 2024: 10 April Fools' day memes that will make you laugh out loud

2024/04/01 14:45:47 IST

Everyone is on the prankster train on April 1st

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

Don't believe anyone today!

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

Be warned and prepared for the pranks

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

Who needs to be pranked? when your whole life is a joke

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

Ouch! burn

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

When everyday feels like a prank

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

Everyone is a victim of April Fool's

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

April Fool's conspiracy theory

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

When you have been fooled too many a times!

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

Everyone preparing to get pranked

Credit: Pinterest/digitalmomblog

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