7 Ways To Spot A Lie

2024/03/13 09:27:38 IST

1. Incongruence in speech and behavior

    Keep an eye out for discrepancies between the message being conveyed and its delivery. This can show up as giving up too many or unneeded facts, hesitating or stammering while responding to direct queries, or mismatching verbal and nonverbal signs (such as nodding vigorously while answering yes).

Credit: Pinterest/Sarijami

2. Changes in speech patterns

    Signs of potential lie: unusually fast or slow speech, odd voice pitch or loudness, or verbal fillers like um, uh, or like during pauses.

Credit: Pinterest/Freepik

3. Shifty eyes

    Although not always a reliable indicator, lying behaviors can include: Avoiding direct eye contact; looking away frequently; or blinking too much.

Credit: Pinterest/Audrey

4. Nervous body language

    Liars may show: Increased sweating, biting their lip or touching their face, or fidgeting or restless movements.

Credit: Pinterest/mentalizer.com

5. Inconsistency in the story

    Liars may: Have difficulty recalling specific details, change details of their story upon retelling, or provide contradictory information

Credit: Pinterest/Freepik

6. Logical inconsistencies

    Look for contradictions or gaps in logic within the narrative.

Credit: Pinterest/M Manasi.🪐

7. Lack of details

    Liars may provide overly simplistic or vague answers to avoid getting caught.

Credit: Pinterest/Venus Detective Agency


    Note that while these signs may be helpful they are not certain.

Credit: Pinterest/Dribbble

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