What is love?
Let us understand the 5 stages of love together <3
1. Infatuation
This is the first phase of love, marked by strong emotions of excitement and attraction. Physical symptoms like perspiration, an elevated heart rate, and trouble sleeping are frequently present. Hormones that produce emotions of pleasure and euphoria, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, drive this stage.
2. Intimacy
A deeper emotional bond grows between partners when the first fervor of infatuation fades. They become closer and more trusting of one another as they begin to exchange more intimate details. The release of oxytocin, which encourages attachment and bonding, signifies this stage.
3. Commitment
Couples consciously choose to remain together for the long haul at this point. This could entail getting married, having kids, or living in together. A number of elements, such as love, respect, compatibility, and shared beliefs, are the foundation of commitment.
4. Realistic Love
As a relationship develops, partners start to view each other more realistically. They understand that everyone has imperfections and that nobody is flawless. They are prepared to overcome obstacles as a team and remain dedicated to one another, nevertheless.
5. Companionate Love
This is the level of developed, enduring love. At this point, a couple experiences a strong sensation of intimacy and connection. They have a shared past and feel at ease being authentic in each others company. Understanding, mutual regard, and trust are the cornerstones of companionate love.
What is love to you?
Remeber, all though these are laid out stages of love, there is no formula for it. It is most important to understand what love personally means to you.
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