Was Henry Kissinger War Criminal? Decoding His Role In Top 10 Global Crisis

2023/12/01 15:27:19 IST

Who was Henry Kissinger?

    Henry Kissinger, a pivotal figure in American foreign policy, passed away on November 29, 2023, leaving behind a legacy of influence and controversy.

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What was Kissinger Doing?

    Kissingers legacy is a hot topic, praised for diplomatic feats but criticized for involvement in rights violations, wars, and coups. Heres a look at 10 global crises during his tenure.

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The Vietnam War

    In 1973, Kissinger signed the Paris Peace Accords, withdrawing US troops. Criticism followed for civilian casualties in Cambodia and Laos.

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The Opening Of China

    Kissingers secret 1971 Beijing visit set the stage for Nixons historic 1972 visit, aiming to balance Soviet power and find a new Asian partner.

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The Yom Kippur War

    During the 1973 conflict, Kissinger led US support for Israel, laying groundwork for the 1978 Camp David Accords.

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The Chilean Coup

    Involved in toppling Salvador Allendes Chilean government in 1973, Kissinger faced condemnation for destabilizing actions and supporting General Pinochet.

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The Cyprus Crisis

    In 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus. Kissingers failure to prevent the conflict and his actions drew criticism.

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Angola Civil War

    Kissinger backed UNITA in Angolas 1975 civil war, criticized for violating self-determination principles.

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The Iranian Revolution

    The 1979 revolution saw Kissinger criticized for supporting the Shah and ignoring human rights and social issues.

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The Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan

    In 1979, Kissinger, though out of office, supported US responses to the Soviet invasion, praised for defending sovereignty.

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The Iran-Iraq War

    Kissingers role in the 1980-1988 conflict between Iraq and Iran was controversial, advocating a policy of dual containment.

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The Falklands War

    In 1982, Kissinger initially sided with Argentina in the Falklands War, criticizing the British response as imperialistic.

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