Unseen pictures of PM Modi during Indira Gandhi's EMERGENCY

2024/06/25 20:03:20 IST

Imposition of Emergency

    In 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of Emergency in India, suspending civil liberties and arresting opposition leaders to maintain political control.

Credit: X/MNageswarRaoIPS

Unexpected Opportunity

    Narendra Modi viewed the Emergency as an opportunity (Aapda Mein Avsar) to collaborate with diverse leaders and organizations across political spectrums, broadening his exposure to varied ideologies.

Credit: X/modiarchive

Role in Navnirman Andolan

    During the 1974 Navnirman Andolan in Gujarat, Modi, as an RSS Yuva Pracharak, witnessed the influential role of student activism firsthand, delivering impassioned speeches for the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad.

Credit: X/modiarchive

Resistance Efforts

    Modi coordinated the distribution of international newspapers like Satyavani opposing the Emergency and underground Gujarati magazines such as Sadhana and Bhumiputra within jails, supporting the dissent movement.

Credit: X/modiarchive

Master of Disguise

    Utilizing effective disguises, including attire as a Swamiji in saffron robes and as a turbaned Sikh, Modi successfully avoided detection while carrying out crucial missions, including delivering critical documents.

Credit: X/modiarchive

Literary Contribution

    In 1978, Modi penned Sangharsh Ma Gujarat, chronicling his leadership during Gujarats underground anti-Emergency movement. Completed in 23 days on a diet of lemon water, the memoir was launched by Chief Minister Babubhai Jasbhai Patel.

Credit: X/modiarchive

End of Emergency

    The Emergency was lifted in 1977 amid growing public dissent and electoral losses for the Congress Party, marking a significant period in Indias democratic history highlighting the balance between security and civil liberties.

Credit: X/Love_uu_2001

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