States With Lowest Poverty Rate in India 2024

What is poverty rate?

    The poverty rate is the ratio of people (in a given age group) whose income falls below the poverty line; taken as half the median household income of the total population.

5 Punjab

    Punjab has a poverty ratio of 5.59%. The northwestern state is the fifth state in India to have the lowest poverty rate in the county.

4 Tamil Nadu

    Tamil Nadu has a poverty ratio of 4.89. It is the second southern state to record the lowest poverty rate in the country.

3 Sikkim

    Sikkim has a poverty ratio of 3.82. This northeastern state falls in the 3rd place for the lowest poverty rate in the country.

2 Goa

    Goa has a poverty ratio of 3.76%. The smallest state in the country is also the second state with the lowest poverty rate in India.

1 Kerala

    Kerala has the lowest poverty ratio with 0.71%. This southern state sits at the top of the lot with a poverty rate below 0.

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