Insights into the Donkey Route: A Path Not to Be Travelled

2023/12/27 10:37:14 IST

What is the Donkey Route?

    A big nexus which operated in India to illegally immigrate people to other nations.

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The meaning behind Donkey Route's name

    People who take the Donkey Route must go to several countries before they arrive at their final destination. They have to jump around like a donkey and thus the name.

Behind the Operations

    Flights and sea cargo ships containers are used to transport people across borders.

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The Misuse of Tourist Visas

    People are first transported to countries like Ecuador, Guyana, or Bolivia where Indian citizens can get tourist visas or visas on arrival. From here they make the necessary moves needed to reach their final destination.

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Risks Involved

    Apart from the risk of getting caught and facing legal charges there is also a risk involved of losing life.

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most immigrated country

    Most people are trying to reach countries like The United States of America, Canada, The United Kingdom, and other European countries through this route.

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Flight with Indian Travellers Stopped in France

    Recently, a plane with over 300 Indian travellers was halted for 4 days as they faced human trafficking charges. Nicaragua was where the travellers were headed. The flight was returned to India post investigation.

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A Route to Detour

    Each year, thousands of Indians take this route. It is important to remember the serious consequences and not travel this route.

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