Assembly Election 2023: What happens on the day of counting of votes?

What are EVMs?

    Electronic voting machines (EVMs) are used to electronically cast and count votes. An EVM consists of two units - a control unit with the polling officer and a balloting unit inside the voting compartment. The polling officer verifies voters before they can cast their ballot by pressing the vote button.

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What are VVPATs?

    Voter-verifiable paper audit trails (VVPATs) allow voters to verify their vote was cast correctly. They print a paper slip showing the candidates name and party symbol. Voters can view this through a glass case before its stored for auditing. VVPATs ensure votes go to the intended candidate

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What are the strong rooms?

    After voting ends, EVMs and VVPATs are stored in sealed strong rooms with CCTV cameras and security personnel. Candidates can also monitor the rooms. This secures the machines until counting.

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What happens on counting day?

    On counting day, EVMs are taken out under CCTV monitoring. Their seals and IDs are checked before displaying results. VVPATs are also randomly selected for manual counting to verify EVM accuracy. Any discrepancies lead to all VVPATs being counted.

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Who counts the votes?

    The Returning Officer (RO) appointed by the Election Commission of India counts votes. If polling stations are scattered, assistant returning officers may also supervise. Counting usually occurs in one hall under the ROs direction.

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How are votes counted?

    The Returning Officer (RO) decides the place and time for counting votes in a constituency. The Election Commission of India then confirms the date and location. Counting occurs in one hall, overseen by the RO or sometimes the Assistant Returning Officer if votes are cast in multiple places.

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What is the counting process?

    The RO conducts a three-step randomization process to assign counting duties. Candidates and agents observe the counting, which begins with tallying postal ballots and then transitions to EVMs 30 minutes later. Vote tallies are announced after each round.

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How are VVPAT slips counted?

    The Supreme Court mandates VVPAT verification in 5 randomly chosen polling stations per constituency. This occurs inside secure VVPAT counting booths with both RO and ARO present. Constituency results are only announced after this process finishes.

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What happens if there are discrepancies?

    If EVMs and VVPATs mismatch, the VVPAT tally overrides the EVM count and amendments are made.

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