Aditya-L1's SUIT Captures The Sun: Watch Here

2023/12/08 23:02:03 IST

SUIT's Solar Breakthrough

    Witness history with SUIT as it captures the Suns full-disk images in near ultraviolet for the first time.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Historic Images

    SUITs operational debut on Nov 20, 2023, marked a historic moment with its first light science images on Dec 6, 2023, revealing solar intricacies.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Eleven Filters, One Triumph

    Meticulously obtained through eleven filters, SUITs images uncover the Suns features with unprecedented clarity, from sunspots to tranquil regions.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Scientific Marvel

    SUITs meticulous images through eleven filters offer unprecedented clarity into the Suns features.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Collaborative Symphony

    Crafted by the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, SUIT is a collaboration involving ISRO, MAHE, CESSI, IIAP, USO-PRL, and Tezpur University.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

New Era in Solar Science

    SUITs triumph heralds a new era, unraveling solar dynamics minutely and offering a wealth of data to comprehend the Suns profound influence on Earth.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Revelations for All

    SUITs images reveal solar elements in a visually stunning manner, appealing to the general publics fascination with the cosmos.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Unlocking Cosmic Ballet

    Delving into the solar systems intricacies, SUITs revelations pave the way for future breakthroughs and a deeper understanding of our celestial neighborhood.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

Cosmic Glimpse with SUIT

    SUITs triumph offers everyone a cosmic glimpse, transcending scientific jargon and making the marvels of solar science accessible to all.

Credit: Instagram/isro.dos

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