A Look at India's Most Poverty-Stricken States

2024/01/16 12:18:20 IST

NITI Aayog's first MPI report

    The NITI Aayogs first Multidimensional Poverty Index report offers a nuanced poverty analysis to shape policies uplifting vulnerable groups. Top 5 states with highest poverty rates are:


    Poverty Percentage - 32.67%; The northeastern state of Meghalaya completes the top five with 32.67% poverty ratio. Difficult terrain and poor connectivity hamper socio-economic development.

Madhya Pradesh

    Poverty Percentage - 36.65%; Madhya Pradesh features fourth with over 36.65% of its people below poverty line. While poverty has declined, the state needs more reforms.

Uttar Pradesh

    Poverty Percentage - 37.79%; Indias most populous state Uttar Pradesh takes the third spot with over 37.79% poverty percentage. The state needs to improve its rural infrastructure and job creation.


    Poverty Percentage - 42.16%; Jharkhand holds the second spot with 42.16% poverty ratio. Lack of industrialization and low literacy remain major challenges.


    Poverty Percentage - 51.91%; Bihar continues to have the highest poverty ratio according to NITI Aayog. More than half of Bihars population lives below the poverty line.

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