A Comprehensive Look at Article 370

2023/12/11 12:36:46 IST

Origin and Significance of Article 370

    Article 370 was a temporary provision incorporated into the Indian Constitution in 1949. It granted special autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The provision allowed a gradual integration of the state into the Indian Union.

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Key Provisions and Implications

    Article 370 provided special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir in areas like: Legislation, Citizenship, Property rights & Fundamental rights. This led to unique governance structures and legal frameworks within the state.

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Debated and Contested

    Supporters of Article 370 argued that it was necessary to protect the unique identity and culture of Jammu and Kashmir. They said it maintains peace and stability in the region. Opponents argued Article 370 hindered the full integration of Jammu and Kashmir into the Indian Union. They cited concerns about human rights violations and limited economic opportunities.

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The Abrogation of Article 370

    In August 2019, the Indian government revoked Article 370 through a presidential order. This decision was met with mixed reactions, sparking protests and legal challenges. The abrogation remains a controversial topic, with ongoing debates about its legality and long-term impact.

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The Legal Challenge

    The abrogation of Article 370 was challenged in the Supreme Court by various petitioners. The court is currently hearing arguments from both sides, examining the legal validity of the governments decision. The verdict is expected to have a significant impact on the future of Jammu and Kashmir.

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Article 370 Verdict on December 11

    The five-judge bench, CJI Chandrachud, justices S K Kaul, Sanjeev Khanna, BR Gavai and Surya Kant have delivered the judgement on December 11. According to the CJI, scrapping Jammu and Kashmir’s special status (Article 370) is valid.

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Key points of the verdict

    Elections should be held in Jammu and Kashmir by September 2024 and statehood shall be restored as soon as possible. The Supreme Court cannot rule on the validity of the government order and that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. The Supreme Court said that Article 370 is a temporary provision and to serve as an interim process.

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More on the verdict

    The Supreme Court held that Article 370 was an interim arrangement due to war conditions in the State. Article 370 doesn’t freeze Jammu and Kashmir integration. Article 370 is for integration and not disintegration, the court said.

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Beyond the Debate

    The abrogation of Article 370 has opened a new chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. The region faces numerous challenges, including political uncertainty, social unrest, and economic development. Finding a path towards a peaceful and prosperous future will require dialogue, understanding, and cooperation from all stakeholders.

Credit: ANI

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