Want to kill mosquitoes? Try these 7 easy home remedies that actually work


    Mosquitoes are a nuisance. They buzz in your ear at night, they suck on your blood, they make you itch, they bite you. So, here are 7 easy home remedies that actually work.

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Eliminate standing water

    This is the most important step. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water, so get rid of any puddles, clogged gutters, or anything else that might be collecting water around your home.

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Candles, incense and essential oils

    Incense, candles and oils made from plants or essential oils are very effective against mosquitoes because they cannot stand the smell.

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Pot the right plant

    Some plants repel mosquitoes because of their smell. Basil, mint, rosemary, etc can be used.

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Lemon and clove

    This methos is perfect for small spaces or your room. It is very simple, all you have to do is place some split lemons with a few cloves.

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Garlic spray

    Garlic sulphur not only repels mosquitoes but also flies, ticks and fleas. To apply it in your home, you need to peel and cut several cloves of garlic and put them in a bowl with some water.

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    Camphor can be a very effective repellent. You can leave a few pieces in a container to evaporate on their own. If you are looking for an extreme, you can burn some for 20 minutes.

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Carnivorous plants

    Carnivorous plants do not eat humans, but they do kill mosquitoes for food.

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