Top 7 Most Bizarre Phobias


    These unusual phobias may sound bizarre, but they are real conditions that bring great distress to those who live with them. These are 7 most bizzare phobias.

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    If ever an award was given for Most Inconvenient Phobia, it would have to go to optophobia-the fear of opening ones eyes.

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    If nightclubs, weddings and small children in tutus fill you with an overwhelming sense of dread, you could be suffering from chorophobia-the fear of dancing.

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    Laughter is great for our health, helps us to build social bonds, and improve mental health. However, for those suffering from geliophobia, the act of laughing, or being around those who laugh, can actually cause fear and anxiety.

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    A rare but unfortunate condition, heliphobia refers to the fear of sunlight. They can also experience fear of bright lights.

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    While many people suffer from a general form of social anxiety, deipnophobia takes a rather more specific twist and is restricted to a fear of carrying on a conversation while eating.

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    While many people are wary of change, neophobia is a phobia that refers to an intense and irrational fear of all new things and experiences. Neophobia can impact on happiness and wellbeing as sufferers miss out on many life-enhancing experiences.

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    Geniophobia is an overwhelming fear of chins. Yes, that innocuos body part attached to the lower part of your face.

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