Top 10 Bizarre Taboos Around The World You Can't Even Imagine

2023/11/26 16:18:14 IST

Italy: "No Extra Cheese, Please!"

    Embrace the Italian dining experience, but resist the urge to request extra cheese on your pizza.

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Here's Why

    This request is considered as a culinary taboo signaling a chefs error.

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China: The Unlucky Number '4'

    In China, the number 4 is avoided like the plague due to its phonetic resemblance to death.

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Here's Why

    It impacts everything from floor numbers to everyday life.

Credit: Pexels

Russia: Odd Flowers Only, Please!

    Gifting flowers in Russia? Ensure an odd number, preferably more than 5, to convey joy.

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Here's Why

    Even numbers are reserved for funerals and somber occasions.

Credit: Pexels

France: Baguette Etiquette

    France takes its baguette seriously - placing it upside down is a cultural faux pas.

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Here's Why

    Legends tie this taboo to medieval executioners and modern superstitions.

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Malaysia: Hands Off the Head!

    In Malaysia, touching someones head is a major breach of etiquette.

Credit: Pexels

Here's Why

    The head is sacred, believed to house the soul, making it a cultural no-no.

Credit: Pexels

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