Sunlight diet: All you need to know about this regime that caused Russian baby's death

2024/04/18 11:21:26 IST

The sunlight diet

    Also known as the OG ancestral diet, this natural diet has allegedly been shown to prevent chronic illness for centuries. Its a spiritual diet, which is based on the idea that one can survive without food and, in certain situations, water. Some consider this to be one of the primary reasons for survival.

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Current diet of people

    Recently, people have been inspired to reignite their ancestral food flames as a primary route to health and healing. Different diets, like the paleo diet, ketogenic diet, and ancestral diet, are becoming less obsolete. Influenced by diets that have sustained centuries, people are leaning towards organic foods and raw meats. 

Credit: Pinterest/halfbakedharvest

components of Sunlight diet

    Aligning dietary choices and making it cognizant with these 4 components would have Huge health breakthroughs and provide relief from long-running ilnesses.

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1. Animal fat + Animal Protein

    Animal fat and protein are important components, as they provide our body with enough proteins and amino acids.

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2. Seasonal Variation

    This refers to the intake of different nutrients in different seasons for males and females. 

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3. Meal Timing

    Regular meal timing helps to promote regular digestive patterns, maintain a balanced diet and create a more stable energy source, as your metabolism will be engaged at optimal levels all day long. 

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4. The Sunlight Rx

    Sunlight intake is important to maintain vitamin D levels in the body. Some people believe that the intake of sunlight without food and water can also lead to a longer life span and health benefits.

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advantages of the sunlight diet

    Some advantages of this diet include supporting not only health breakthroughs but also your energy, lifespan, healing and regeneration pathways, sleep quality, and inflammation levels. The sunlight can also help repair the body, lower inflammation, the histamine response, dietary sensitivity, and enhance the health of your gut microbiota.

Credit: Pinterest/popsugar

Disadvantages of sunlight diet

    There are some health concerns with the sunlight diet, like dehydration, headaches, slurry vision, loss of appetite and blood pressure issues. 

Credit: Pinterest/honestmum

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