Look Back 2023: The Most Mispronounced Words of the Year

2023/12/08 11:57:14 IST


    SZA [SIH-zuh] - SZA, the chart-topping artist with the most Spotify streams in 2023, leads the 2024 Grammy nominations.


    Enceladus [en-SEH-luh-duhs] - It is Saturns sixth largest moon, and harbours all the ingredients for life after NASA discovered phosphates there in June 2023.


    Popocatépetl [poh-poh-kah-TEH-peh-til] - Active volcano in Mexico, considered to be one of the most dangerous because of its proximity to Mexico.


    Psammophile [SAM-uh-file] - Dev Shah, the 2023 Scripps Spelling Bee champion, splet psammophile, meaning any plant or animal that flourishes in sandy soil.

Cillian Murphy

    Cillian Murphy [KI-lee-uhn MUR-fee] - Cillian Murphy, the Irish actor who captivated audiences as the lead scientist in Christopher Nolans 2023 historical thriller, Oppenheimer.

Vivek Ramaswamy

    Vivek Ramaswamy [vih-VAKE rah-mah-SWAH-me] - An entrepreneur and Republican presidential candidate.


    Choupette [SHOO-pet] - Choupette, the beloved cat of Karl Lagerfeld, translates to sweetie in French.


    Kīlauea [kee-lou-EY-uh] - The name of a volcano in Hawaii which has erupted several times this year, most recently on September 11, 2023.

Travis Kelce

    Travis Kelce [TRA-vis kels] - This year, the Kansas City Chiefs football player saw his public profile rise significantly, fueled by rumours of a romantic relationship with Taylor Swift.

Iam Tongi

    Iam Tongi [EE-am DONG-ee] - Making history, American Idol season 21 winner William Iam Tongi is the first Hawaiian and Pacific Islander to claim the title.

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