Here Are Some Habits That Topper Students Adapt

2023/10/30 13:06:56 IST


    Organising in advance what you want to do and when you want to do it.

Credit: deakin

Not doing multitasking

    According to the study, it has been found that multitasking is not physically possible. Focus on one subject.

Credit: gradepower

Read tough subjects first

    It has been found in all successful children that they first study the difficult subject so that they can give more time to it, and then revise the subject which takes less time.

Credit: oxford


    Study sitting at a place where you can concentrate, where there are no phones, TV etc. and your attention does not get distracted.

Credit: lapaas

Ask Questions

    Make a habit of asking questions If you want to be successful then it is very important to ask questions so that all your doubts can be cleared.

Credit: pickpik


    Along with studies, health is also important. Make sure that you get enough sleep, drink adequate water and take proper meals, so that you can focus on studies.

Credit: vator

Make time table

    The first mantra of a successful student is to make a time table. You can organise your time properly through a time table.

Credit: X

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