Fighting Insomnia? Fruits That Enhance Sleep Quality

2024/02/25 14:53:43 IST


    Cherries serve as a natural source of melatonin, promoting improved sleep quality due to their melatonin-boosting properties.

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    Rich in vitamin C, oranges provide a beneficial pre-bedtime energy boost, aiding in relaxation before sleep.

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    With its potassium content, papaya contributes to lowering blood pressure levels, facilitating body relaxation and promoting restful sleep.

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    Kiwis boast a combination of vitamin C and serotonin, fostering relaxation and enhancing the overall quality of sleep.

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    Loaded with magnesium and potassium, bananas help regulate blood pressure, fostering a peaceful and undisturbed sleep.

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    The presence of bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme in pineapple, promotes muscle relaxation, contributing to better sleep quality.

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    Despite their high fibre content, apples are gentle on the stomach, making them an ideal bedtime snack for improved sleep.

Credit: Flickr

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