Ditch guilt: 9 tips to maintain work-life balance as working mother

2024/04/12 12:18:19 IST

work-life balance

    Work-life balance is crucial for working mothers, but it may be challenging at times. Here are 9 tips to help you maintain that balance!

Credit: Pinterest/Mom.com

Delegate chores

    Dont take the responsibility of doing everything yourself and delegate chores like setting the table, washing clothes, and cooking schedules to other members of the family.

Credit: Pinterest

Get rid of the feeling of sole responsibility

    Of course, mothers are taught to do everything themselves and be the primary caregivers for their children; however, getting rid of this conditioning is an important step to feeling shared responsibility towards kids and family. 

Credit: Pinterest/Kiinde

Take Care of Yourself

    Taking care of yourself is of utmost importance. Staying fit and healthy is a necessity to be a successful working mother.

Credit: Pinterest/Soleá

Find a good childcare facility

    Finding good childcare facilities is important, as it helps you feel calm and focused, knowing that your kids are in a safe space while you are not around.

Credit: Pinterest/Puroclean

rid yourself of the mom guilt

    Mom guilt refers to the feeling that every mother gets once in a while, i.e., the feeling of not doing enough or doing something wrong. It is important to tackle this guilt to avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety regarding parenting. 

Credit: Pinterest/pregnantchicken

Have me time carved out

    Having me-time is important to unwind, do something that gives you pleasure and energizes your mind and body, and partake in activities you love.

Credit: Pinterest/apartmenttherapy

Plan mornings

    Planning mornings is really important as it sets the tone for the whole day. Time schedules and chore delegation are important during the morning hours because thats when everyone in the family starts their day.

Credit: Pinterest/everydayeyecandy

Get help if needed

    If youre feeling stressed and overwhelmed, getting professional psychological help like therapy is important for your mental health.

Credit: Pinterest/wellandgood

depend on your spouse

    You dont have to do everything on your own; its good to create boundaries and depend on your spouse for work, as its important to divide the parenting load and responsibilities.

Credit: Pinterest/hunterpremo

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