Creepiest Facts Ever In The History of Human Kind
Urine mouthwash
The Romans used human urine as part of a mouthwash or toothpaste. This is because urine contains ammonia, which is a natural cleaning agent.
When Unprotected Sex Saved Your Life
Getting an STI in WWI got you sick leave so many Allied forces would visit Parisian brothels, get an STI, and were sent home.
Being a Graveyard Keeper was Tough
Back in the days it was super common to be accidentally buried alive before medical practices were advanced. They would make coffins with air vents and a bell to ring if you wake up for someone up top to see.
18's dentures were made of dead soldiers teeth
The easiest and most profitable way to acquire human teeth for dentures was to take them from the dead, and the battlefield at Waterloo presented thousands of recently-killed soldiers whose teeth were ripe for the looting.
Human remains in medicine until the 20th
The remains were most commonly ground up into a fine powder that could be made into pills or stirred into drinks like hot chocolate!
Road of the dead
In WWII, the Nazis had a lot of trouble attacking Russia because the ground was too muddy for marching and for tanks.The Russians managed this by taking the dead from both sides and their Nazi POWs and lay them so they would have a usable road.
Europe experienced a zombie outbreak
Syphilis, In 1494, Sailors returning from the New World brought with them a massive outbreak. In some cases, the noses, lips, or other body parts of the affected people were essentially gone, and several of the victims eventually died from the disease.
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