8 Ways to Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day

2024/02/17 06:59:09 IST

1. Pay it forward

    Paying for someones coffee or meal who is behind you in the queue, is a nice way to brighten up someones day.

Credit: Pinterest

2. Be a helping hand

    Next time you visit a grocery store offer to carry someones grocery bags to their car.

Credit: Pinterest

3. Give a Compliment

    Give someone a genuine compliment. Simple words can go a long way in making someone feel more confident and appreciated.

Credit: Pinterest

4. Write a happy note

    Take a sticky note of a page from your diary and jot down some positive words on it. Leave it on someones car windshield, stick it on a public bench, or place it on a colleagues desk.

Credit: Pinterest

5. Spreading Smiles

    Smile at people you pass on the street and at people you greet. Since smiles are contagious you are literally passing happiness onto people. It can instantly enhance someones mood.

Credit: Pinterest

6. Cleaning Environment

    Take some time to pick up garbage from your neighborhood or park. This way you do your bit for the environment as it helps to keep the earth clean and beautiful.

Credit: Pinterest

7. Donating blood or plasma

    This act of kindness can actually save someones life. Take some time out for this one!

Credit: Pinterest

8. Baking and gifting

    Baking is a relaxing activity that can double as an act of kindness. Bake cupcakes or cookies and share them with your colleagues or neighbors.

Credit: Pinterest

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