8 Tips to Conquer Winter Rashes

2023/12/22 23:34:11 IST


    Drink up! Water is your skins best friend, especially in dry winter months. Aim for 8 glasses daily.

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    Moisturize like a pro! Choose rich, fragrance-free creams or lotions and apply several times a day.

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Turn Down the Heat

    Hot showers and baths strip your skin of moisture. Opt for lukewarm water and limit bath time to 10-15 minutes.

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Humidify the Air

    Dry air exacerbates winter rashes. Add moisture back with a humidifier, especially in your bedroom. Boil a pot of water and let the steam fill your room. Low-tech, high impact!

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Aloe vera

    Aloe vera to the rescue! This natural anti-inflammatory works wonders on irritated skin. Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly.

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Resist the Scratching Urge!

    Scratching only worsens rashes and can lead to scarring. Keep your nails short and try distraction techniques like fidget toys.

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Gentle Exfoliation is Key

    Slough away dead skin cells with a gentle, fragrance-free scrub 2-3 times a week.

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Consult a Doctor

    If your rash doesnt improve with home remedies or seems severe, seek professional help from a dermatologist.

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