8 Beautiful Tropical Flowers for Those Missing Summer
1. Hibiscus
These huge, eye-catching blossoms are found in shades of pink, yellow, orange, red, and orange. Some even have contrasting centers or ruffled petals, which catch attention in any setting.
2. Bird of Paradise
This famous flowers vivid orange and blue petals and long, curled beak-like shape make it look like a colorful bird in flight. Its a focal point that will undoubtedly enliven your room.
3. Plumeria
These fragrant flowers, also called Frangipani, adorn their branches with clusters of fragile, star-shaped blossoms in white, pink, and yellow hues. Their enticing, sweet aroma fills the air with a hint of heaven.
4. Orchid
Orchids are the pinnacle of delicate beauty, coming in an astounding variety of forms, sizes, and colors. For the orchid fan, there is an infinite variety to choose from, ranging from single, star-shaped beauties to cascading sprays of tiny blooms.
5. Bougainvillea
Clusters of papery bracts in vivid colors of purple, pink, orange, and white are produced by this cascading vine. Its vivid display covers walls, trellises, and fences, bringing life to any tropical setting.
6. Stephanotis
Clusters of white, star-shaped flowers with a fragrant, lemony scent are produced by this dainty climber. Its pure white blossoms give any garden a sense of grandeur as they contrast well with the rich vegetation around them.
7. Heliconia
Known by another name, Lobster Claws, these distinctive blooms have tubular bracts that resemble lobster claws and come in a variety of colors, from cool pink, red, and green to hot orange and yellow. They give any tropical scene a hint of the fantastical.
8. Bird of Paradise Flower
This flower, sometimes known as the Chinese Lantern, has delicate white trumpet flowers surrounded by huge, papery bracts in blazing orange and scarlet hues. It stands out in any tropical collection thanks to its distinctive shape and eye-catching colors.
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