8 Activities to Enjoy in the Snow: Winter Season Edition

2024/02/19 13:15:34 IST

1. Snowball flight

    Building snow forts and making a pile of snowballs is a perfect way to enjoy a playful snow-fight with your friends.

Credit: pinterest

2. Snow angels

    Wear snow pants and spread your arms and legs up and down and side to side well lying down on the snow.

Credit: Pinterest

3. Snowman

    All you need for this activity are a couple of twigs, a carrot, a scarf, a hat, some stones or buttons, and snow!

Credit: Pinterest

4. Maple syrup snow candy

    Find some snow that appears to be clean and untouched. spread some maple syrup over the snow and wrap it around a popsicle stick.

Credit: pinterest

5. Scenic Photography

    Snow truly adds charm to any location. Take this opportunity to capture a glimpse of the winter wonderland.

Credit: Pinterest

6. Winter sports

    Sledding, skiing, and snowboarding are some healthy ways to enjoy your time outdoors during wintertime.

Credit: Pinterest

7. Camping

    The winter season is a great time to make your camping trip more enjoyable. Bonfires and smores are even better when its cold outside.

Credit: Pinterest

8. snow painting

    Prepare some colored water in small bowls and use the snow as your canvas!

Credit: Pinterest

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