7 signs you are giving too much in relationship


    Being in a relationship is about give and take, but sometimes the balance can tip. Here are 7 signs that you might be giving too much in your relationship.

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Emotional Exhaustion

    You feel constantly drained, worrying about your partners happiness and taking on their burdens. While being supportive is great, it shouldnt leave you burnt out.

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Lost Sense of Self

    So focused on your partners needs, youve forgotten your own. Healthy relationships allow you to grow as an individual too.

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Chronic People Pleaser

    You struggle to say no, afraid of upsetting your partner or being seen as unhelpful. This can lead to resentment in the long run.

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One-Sided Compromise

    Compromise is key, but if youre always the one making changes and sacrifices, its not a fair balance.

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Resentment Buildup

    You might start feeling frustrated and angry that your needs arent being met. Unexpressed resentment can fester.

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Neglecting Your Wellbeing

    Your health suffers as you prioritize your partner over yourself. This could be sleep deprivation, neglecting hobbies, or physical ailments.

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Walking on Eggshells

    You constantly worry about your partners reaction, feeling like you cant be yourself. A healthy relationship allows for open communication.

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