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7 Pets And Tricks You Can Teach Them

Shruti Chopra
2024/03/08 17:09:16 IST
1. Dogs

1. Dogs

    Dogs are incredibly trainable and have a large variety of skills. Shake, sit, stay, come, roll over, and pretend dead are a few common tricks. More complex maneuvers, such fetching particular objects, weaving between your legs, and standing on their hind legs, are also possible to train them.

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2. Cats

2. Cats

    Although they can take a little longer to train than dogs, cats can be trained equally as well. Cats can be taught simple tasks like sit, come, and high five. They can also be trained to use a target stick or scratching post.

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3. Rabbits

3. Rabbits

    Being intelligent animals, rabbits are capable of picking up many tricks. Rabbits can be trained to do simple feats like standing on their hind legs, jumping through a hoop, and coming when called. They can even be trained to aim their noses at a stick.

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4. Horses

4. Horses

    Large creatures, horses are capable of learning many amazing stunts. Walking, trotting, and cantering on command are a few common tricks. They can also be taught to lie down, whirl, and bow.

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5. Birds

5. Birds

    Birds are surprisingly smart animals that are capable of picking up many skills. Teaching birds simple things like chatting, singing, and stepping up onto your finger is not difficult. More difficult feats, including playing fetch or soaring through a hoop, can also be taught to them.

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 6. Hamsters

6. Hamsters

    Intelligent rodents, hamsters are capable of picking up a wide range of basic skills. A maze run and coming when called are two simple skills to teach hamsters. They can also be trained to jump through hoops and stand on their hind legs.

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7. Fish

7. Fish

    Fish cannot be trained to perform tricks in the same sense that other pets cannot, but they can be trained to link particular behaviors with food. You can train your fish, for instance, to surface when you shake the food container in the tank.

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