7 Essential Items for Women's Purse

2024/03/01 20:42:41 IST

1. Wallet

    This is where your cash, credit cards, and other vital papers are kept.

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2. Phone and Charger

    For communication, navigation, and entertainment purposes, your phone comes in handy. Having a charger on hand guarantees that it will remain charged all day.

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3. Sanitary Napkins

    Its important to be ready for your period, and carrying a few pads around in your handbag might ease your worries.

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4. Hand Sanitizer

    This keeps your hands hygienic and free of germs, particularly when youre on the go and dont have access to water or soap.

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5. Pain Relief Medication

    Painkillers available without a prescription, such Crocin or Advil, can be used to treat minor aches and pains, migraines, and cramps.

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6. Hair Tie or Clip

    These help you to keep your hair out of your face and in style!

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7. Makeup

    For touch-ups throughout the day, keep lipstick, mascara, or other cosmetics.

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