7 early signs to recognize for avoiding divorce for happy marriage


    While many marital relationships last forever, several begin crumbling after a few years, and close to half of all marriages in the US end in a divorce. Here are 7 warning signs you may be headed for divorce.

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You are not happy

    When you are in a good relationship, most of the time, you are happy. Every couple has disagreements and fights-but the majority of the time things are peaceful.

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Interactions are not positive

    Happy couples have an interaction ratio of 20:1- that is 20 positive interactions to 1 negative interaction.

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Finds reason to avoid partner

    When you get home from work and see your partners car outside the house, do you sit in the car and avoid going inside. So, this can be early signs that you are heading towards divorce.

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Everything is hard

    Nearly every interaction feels like a chore or is painful. Whether, its what to feed the kids for breakfast, or who needs to have another boys weekend.

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Sudden change in behavior

    When one partner suddently drops lots of weight and takes a nenewed interest in their appearance, and maybe starts spending a lot of time away from home.

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    There are many ways disrespect can manifest in a relationship. Disrespecting will lead you to divorce.

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    Intimacy is integral to the close bond shared by a married couple. Intimacy does not mean only sexual intimacy, but also romance, handholding and cuddling.

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