6 Health Benefits of Star Fruit

Powerful Antioxidant

    Starfruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that combats harmful free radicals and protects cells from damage. Vitamin C also plays a crucial role in collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity and reducing signs of ageing.

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Cardiovascular Health

    Starfruit is a rich source of potassium and sodium, minerals that work together to regulate blood pressure and maintain a healthy heartbeat. Additionally, its calcium content contributes to robust blood circulation and fluid balance, reducing heart disease risk.

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Diabetes and Cholesterol Management

    Starfruits high fibre content helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing sugar absorption and preventing spikes. Fibre also aids in cholesterol management, reducing the risk of heart ailments.

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Digestive and Metabolic Enhancement

    The rich dietary fibre in star fruit promotes healthy digestion, regulating stool consistency and preventing constipation. Vitamin B, abundant in star fruit, plays a vital role in metabolism and maintaining normal hormone and enzyme levels.

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Radiant Skin and Hair

    Star fruits vitamin C content acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting skin cells from damage and promoting collagen synthesis for youthful-looking skin. Additionally, vitamin C supports strong and lustrous hair growth.

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Weight Management

    Starfruits low sugar content and high fibre content make it an ideal snack for weight management. Fiber keeps you satiated for longer, reducing overall calorie intake.

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