5 Indoor plants to COMBAT AIR POLLUTION

Rubber Plant

    Improves indoor air as their large surface leaves act as a sponge and absorb harsh chemicals then break them down. The plant has shown to absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into breathable oxygen.

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Snake Plant

    Extremely effective in its ability to absorb harsh chemicals like carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde and other harsh chemicals found in indoor air. The plant also produces oxygen, absorbs CO2 in the night and has proven to be beneficial for airborne allergies.

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Aloe Vera

    the plant acts as a natural air purifier and reduces toxic chemicals including formaldehyde and benzene – two chemicals that are present in cleaning products.

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Spider plant

    Spider Plant is an antioxidant as it effectively removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene – harsh chemicals that occur from cleaning products and furniture.

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Areca Palm

    Areca palms filter out harsh chemicals including acetone, xylene and toluene, which accumulate from products such as nail varnish, detergents, wooden furniture, poor ventilation, gasoline, cosmetics etc.

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