How to survive if World War 3 comes to NUCLEAR ATTACK

Iran-Israel war

    The conflict between the Iran and Israel have sparked concerns among people about World War 3. So, Israel attacked Iran recently. Here are some tips if you want to escape nuclear attack.

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Stock up non-perishable food

    If a nuclear attack does happen, it wont be safe to venture outside for food. So, you should stay sheltered for at least 48 hours, preferably longer. Non-perishables can last several years, so store white rice, wheat, beans, sugar, etc.

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Store water

    Try to save water and aim to have one gallon per person per day. For purifying water in the event of an attack, keep basic household bleach and potassium iodide.

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Get communication supplies

    Being able to stay informed, as well as alerting others to your position, can be vitally valuable. So, try to keep radio, whistles, and your smartphone with you.

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Stock up on medical supplies

    Having a few medical items available could be the difference between life and death if you are injured in the attack. You will need a basic first aid kit, a first aid instruction booklet, and prescription medications.

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Get other miscellaneous items

    Round out your emergency preparedness kit with the following as a flashlight and batteries, dust masks, plastic sheeting, etc.

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