7 Facts About the Farlowichnus Rapidus: A Dinosaur Species Discovered in 2023

2023/12/21 10:17:31 IST

Name and its meaning

    Being a speedy creature the dinosaur was named Farlowichnus rapidus which means Fast Farlows track.

Credit: ScienceDirect

Location of Discovery

    The fossilised imprints were discovered in Araraquara, Brazil.

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Founder of the fossil

    The fossilised imprints were spotted by an Italian priest and palaeontologist named Giuseppe Leonardi back in the 1980s.

Credit: Pinterest

The era of the Farlowichnus rapidus

    Farlowichnus rapidus existence dates back to 125 million years ago belonging to the Cretaceous period.

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The Dinosaur's Dimensions

    The creature stood to be around 2-3 feet, similar to the seriema bird found today.

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Distinctive Characteristics

    The footprints revealed that the reptile was long, slender toes, wide strided, swift moving, and a desert roamer.

Credit: Pinterest

The Discovery's Significance

    This Jurassic discovery has generated information that is helpful in better understanding the ancient desert ecosystems.

Credit: Pinterest

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