10 Most Controversial Exposes by WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

Collateral Murder (2010)

    This video showed a 2007 US helicopter attack in Baghdad that killed several people, including two journalists. The footage sparked global outrage over the conduct of US military operations in Iraq.

Credit: wikimediacommons

Afghan War Diary (2010)

    A collection of over 75,000 documents detailing the US military’s operations in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The leaks exposed civilian casualties, friendly fire incidents, and the role of Pakistani intelligence in supporting the Taliban.

Credit: wikimediacommons

Iraq War Logs (2010)

    Nearly 400,000 documents about the Iraq War revealed previously unreported instances of civilian deaths, torture, and abuse by Iraqi forces, and detailed accounts of the wars toll on both combatants and civilians.

Credit: wikimediacommons

US Diplomatic Cables (Cablegate) (2010)

    Over 250,000 diplomatic cables from US embassies around the world were leaked, exposing sensitive communications and confidential assessments of foreign leaders, which strained diplomatic relationships.

Credit: flickr

Guantanamo Files (2011)

    These documents provided detailed information about detainees at Guantanamo Bay, revealing that many were held without solid evidence and were considered low-risk by US authorities.

Credit: wikimediacommons

Spy Files (2011-2014)

    A series of documents from private intelligence companies and government agencies revealing extensive surveillance and espionage activities, including tracking of individuals and groups by various governments.

Credit: WikiLeaks

DNC Email Leak (2016)

    Emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were published, showing bias against Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Democratic primaries. This leak contributed to political turmoil within the Democratic Party and influenced the 2016 US presidential election.

Credit: AP

Podesta Emails (2016)

    Emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, were leaked, revealing campaign strategies, internal discussions, and excerpts from Clintons paid speeches to Wall Street firms. These emails further impacted the 2016 presidential election.

Credit: wikimediacommons

The Yemen Files (2016)

    Documents and emails related to the US involvement in Yemen, including arms sales and military training provided to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The leak shed light on the extent of US support for the Saudi-led coalition in the Yemeni civil war.

Credit: wikimediacommons

Vault 7 (2017)

    A series of documents detailing the CIA’s hacking capabilities, including tools used for cyber espionage and cyber warfare. This leak highlighted the extent of surveillance and cyber operations conducted by the CIA.

Credit: wikimediacommons

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