10 Evil Dictators Who Killed Millions Of People

2024/05/03 16:46:50 IST

10. Yakubu Gowon (1.1M deaths)

    His leadership during Nigerias civil war resulted in widespread casualties and suffering.

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9. Mengistu Haile Mariam (400K–1.5M deaths)

    Led brutal purges and campaigns of terror to maintain power in Ethiopia.

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8. Kim Il Sung (1.6M deaths)

    Ruled North Korea with an iron fist, using propaganda and repression to control the populace.

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7. Pol Pot (1.7M deaths)

    Implemented radical social and agricultural reforms in Cambodia, leading to mass starvation and executions.

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6. Ismail Enver Pasha (2.5M deaths)

    Played a key role in the Armenian Genocide and other ethnic cleansings during World War I.

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5. Hideki Tojo (5M deaths)

    Oversaw Japans aggressive military expansion and brutal occupation of Asia during World War II.

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4. Leopold II of Belgium (2-15M deaths)

    Exploited and brutalized the people of the Congo Free State for personal gain.

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3. Adolf Hitler (17M deaths)

    Committed genocide against Jews and other minorities as part of his racist ideology.

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2. Jozef Stalin (23M deaths)

    Instituted widespread purges, forced collectivization, and orchestrated famines in the Soviet Union.

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1. Mao Zedong (49-78M deaths)

    Implemented disastrous policies like the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, causing mass starvation and social upheaval in China.

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