Top 10 countries with the most gold reserves in the world in 2023

2023/10/28 18:09:02 IST


    India holds 10th spot with 607.7 metric tons of gold in its reserves, indicating its economic strength and significance in the global market.

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    The Netherlands is in 9th position with 612.5 metric tons of gold in its reserves, showcasing its financial security.


    Japan holds 8th spot with 846.8 metric tons of gold in its reserves, reflecting its economic standing in the world.

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    Switzerland is in 7th position with a substantial gold reserve of 1,040.0 metric tons, contributing to its financial stability.

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    China holds the 6th rank with 1,948.3 metric tons of gold in its reserves, highlighting its position as a global economic powerhouse.


    Russia is at 5th position with 2,299.2 metric tons, underscoring its economic strength and resource wealth.

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    France holds the 4th rank with a substantial gold reserve of 2,435.4 metric tons, indicating its financial security.

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    China holds the 3rd rank with 1,948.3 metric tons of gold in its reserves, highlighting its position as a global economic powerhouse.

Credit: Pexels


    Germany is in 2nd position with a significant gold reserve of 3,355.1 metric tons, demonstrating its financial strength.

United States

    The United States holds the top spot with an impressive 8,133.5 metric tons of gold in its reserves, making it one of the largest holders of gold in the world.

Credit: Pexels

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