Learn About 3 Forms of Digital Gold: Financial Investment 2024

2024/01/23 13:58:04 IST

1. Gold Exchange-traded funds

    ETFs are a flexible and simple form of digital gold investment. It tracks the price of physical gold and is a commodity fund traded on a stock exchange. You can use an online trading app for investing which enables you to buy and sell units of gold ETFs similarly to stocks.

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Gold ETF Pros

    Extremely liquid, low investment amounts, transparent holdings and prices, and No storage fees or worries.

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Gold ETF Cons

    Has annual expense ratio (around 1%), no physical gold is owned, open to financial markets systemic risks.

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Gold Mutual Funds

    By investing in gold securities these aim to mirror domestic gold prices. These require investments that are a bit higher but otherwise are similar to gold ETFs.

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Gold Mutual Funds Pros

    Chances of higher returns through fund selection, funds are professionally managed, and options for SIPs and other systematic investments.

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Gold Mutual Funds Cons

    Can not take delivery of gold, 1.5-2% expense ratios on average, and changes of systemic financial market risks.

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Sovereign Gold Bonds

    SGBs are government-issued bonds denominated in grams of gold. You receive 2.5 percent fixed interest paid semi-annually, and the redemption amount equals the gold price on maturity.

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SGB Pros

    The interest you earn would be tax-free, backed up by the Indian government, easy online purchasing process, and when you want a loan this can be used as collateral.

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SGB Cons

    Early exit or trading is not an option, 5-8 maturity periods where it will be locked, and limitations of quantity on each series purchase.

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