From 'The Great Depression' to 'Covid-19 Pandemic': Times when Stock market CRASHED drastically

Stock market

    The stock market has witnessed remarkable highs and devastating lows throughout history. From economic downturns to unforseen events, stock market crashes have had a profound impact on investors and the global economy. Here are the top 5 crashes that have left an idelible mark.

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The Great Depression (1929)

    It stands as one of the most severe financial crises in history. Triggered by the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the stock market plummeted, leading to widespread bankrupties, unemployment, and economic hardship across the globe.

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Black Monday (1987)

    It occured on October 19, 1987 and saw the stock markets worldwide experience a significant crash. In a single day, stock indices dropped dramatically.

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Dot-Com Bubble Burst (2000)

    The turn of the millennium witnesses the bursting of the dot-com bubble. Fueled by excessive speculation in internet-based companies, stock prices reached high before sharply declining.

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Global Financial Crisis (2008)

    The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 set off a domino effect that led to the global financial crisis. The crisis stemmed from the bursting of the US housing bubble and the subsequent subprime mortgage crisis. Stock markets worldwide experienced substantial declines, leading to a severe recession.

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Covid-19 Pandemic Crash (2020)

    The Covid-19 pandemic triggered one of the most rapid and severe stock market crashes in history.

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